Rest assured that the information you disclose to us will remain confidential and be shared with staff members on a need to know basis only. We award financial support based on financial need and the number of applications we receive per season. Your responses will be processed intentionally.
You can expect to hear back from N ZONE Sports within 5-7 business days after submitting this form.
The current enrollment fee for a sports event at N ZONE Sports ranges from $120-295 per child (depending on the program/season.)
How much of this $120-295 enrollment fee would you able to pay on your own (if any) in your current financial situation?
Understanding Your Interest & Need
Thank you very much for taking the time to share a little bit more about you and your family. We will thoughtfully consider each and every request we receive. You can expect to hear from NZONE within 5-7 business days.
Thank you. Your submission was received and will be processed within 5-7 business days.